Terence Ordona
Web Developer
Enterprise level web application development. Specializing in standards compliance, cross-browser/cross-platform
accessibility, and user interfaces.
Project: JA-SIG uPortal
Description: uPortal is a free, sharable portal under development by institutions of higher-education.
Role: Working independently from Virginia Tech, currently developing a W3C
Standards compliant skinnable theme for distribution with uPortal.
Project: MyVT Portal
Description: MyVT is based on JA-SIG's uPortal. v2.1 is the test bed for a design based on
W3C's recommended standards.
Role: Lead developer in push for compliance to current W3C XHTML and CSS recommendations.
Project: inductive Modes Theme
Description: Continuation of Nested DIVs theme with more emphasis on helping educational instutitions meet
accessibility requirements.Other reas of improvement are focused on increased client-side interaction and general usability of uPortal.
Role: Lead developer with no formal ties to EDU domain.